Sunday, August 10, 2008

Not sure who still reads this!

So we haven't posted in almost 2 months. We came back to Utah for the rest of the year and life got extremely busy with new babies, camping, trying to find jobs (still a process) and just figuring things out. Rachel has been working at the golf course again and teaches some lessons on the side, Curtis is currently in a temp position for the state and hopefully making something permanant with them. We are moving in October to West Valley into Rachel's families townhome. Its huge, so we'll have plenty of room to spread out for a few years. The only deal with it though is we get cheaper rent if we fix the place up cause the tenants they've had for the past 10 years have completely destroyed the place. So it'll be a challenge but an exciting one. We miss being on the road and playing golf out there but we're just taking this time in our marriage to figure things out and make a solid plan for the future. Hope everyone is doing well. We'll try to post more. Rachel is going to England in September with her mother so I'm sure there will be pictures on here.


Beej & Chris said...

Hey! Good to hear updates. BJ and I were wondering how you two were doing. We should get together sometime for a double date!

Stephers said...

Yipeee.. I am glad you posted again. You need to keep posting. You may not think your life is exciting, but we sure do. Love ya and hope to see you soon :)